Neurocentre Glacis

Recovery from sleep apnea: the main symptoms

Sleep interruptions

Frequent suffering due to nocturnal respiratory arrest, leading to multiple awakenings and unrefreshing sleep.

Daytime fatigue

Lack of energy and excessive sleepiness during the day, affecting productivity and concentration at work or in daily activities.

Associated health problems

Increased risk of heart disease, hypertension and diabetes, due to insufficient oxygenation during sleep.

Impact on personal life

Difficulties in personal and social relationships, often due to irritability and other mood swings.

Long-term complications

Fear of serious consequences if sleep apnea is left untreated, such as memory problems, reduced libido and shorter life expectancy.

Find professional solutions for sleep apnea

Restful sleep starts with the right care. Consult our neurology experts


The treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in adults has evolved over time, from a "one fit for all" approach to an individualized one. The spectrum of therapeutic options is broad and heterogeneous.

The Orthèse d'Avancée Mandibulaire (OAM) is a treatment for snoring and sleep apnea, as an alternative or complement to positive pressure ventilation. The OAM is a dental device custom-made by a dentist in collaboration with a sleep physician.

Treating sleep apnea with OAM

TheOAM stabilizes the lower jaw and advances its position to facilitate the passage of air into the upper airways. When we sleep, the muscles of the tongue and throat relax, and when we lie down, the base of the tongue tends to fall back, obstructing the upper airways.

By moving the lower jaw forward, OAM prevents the tongue from falling backwards and increases the space in the back of the throat. OAM is an effective, internationally-validated treatment for snoring and sleep apnea, with benefits for quality of sleep and therefore quality of life.

Some patients may present : 

  • a drought
  • oral hypersalivation 
  • hypersalivation of temporomandibular joints
  • etc. 

These discomforts, usually of moderate intensity, are most noticeable at the start of treatment and are generally transient. In the long term, some patients may experience a change in dental occlusion, making it necessary to discontinue treatment.

In our experience, the Mandibular Advancement Orthosis should be custom-made by an experienced dentist/orthodontist, and a dental check-up every 6 months is recommended.

Getting to know your sleep better

Polysomnography, also known assleep study, is a test used to diagnose sleep disorders. Polysomnography records brain waves, oxygen levels in the blood, heart rate and breathing during sleep. It also measures eye and leg movements.

A sleep study can be carried out in a hospital sleep disorders unit or at home, depending on the indications.

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Neurocentre Glacis

1 Rue Des Glacis
1628 Luxembourg

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